Oak's Indian Mission Children's Home
1926 - 1980
From its beginning, the Lutheran Missions were primarily focused on the education of Native American young people. The Oaks Mission as a Children’s Home was established in 1926 and is located approximately 65 miles east of Tulsa, Oklahoma, just 23 miles west of Siloam Springs, Arkansas.
Until 1977, children of the Mission were treated without regard for individual needs. The children were housed, fed, clothed, supervised, and sent to school.
​Today, the mission serves boys ages 7-17 from various tribes. Children come to this refuge by placement of families or legal guardians and tribes.
1980 - PRESENT
The core ministry of Oaks Indian Mission is its care program for Indian children. All have suffered some form of abuse or neglect. Many are orphans. Others have been abandoned. Some come from loving homes where it is simply no longer possible for parents or grandparents to provide the needed food, clothing and education. The children range from age seven to age seventeen.